dinsdag 18 september 2012

Photokina 2012

Today sees the official start of the 2012 Photokina Fair. Every two years Photokina is the center of the imaging world. Whether you are a video artist, a photographer, a multi-media wizard or just a technical freak, this fair brings all the latest and future trends.
I will visit the fair this weekend, and here are some things i'm looking forward to:

- Photographic printing on wood
- A new light meter (Hensel Strobe Master)
- Underwater cameras

See you all there in Cologne between 18.9.2012 and 23.9.2012

maandag 17 september 2012

That Mitchell and Webb Look - 4.5

That Mitchell and Webb Look
Series 4, Episode 5

- Donny Cosy at the CERN
- Replidroid Objective - To destroy all human life
- Sketches we were not allowed to do:
* Tourettes Pope * Hitler in Therapy * Taliban Ballet Ban * Behind the Scenes: Chinese Racism * The Black & White Menstrual Show * Rod Hull and Mossad
- Arsestore
- I put my Heart & Soul in it
- Didldidi: Vegeta-Bitz in breadcrumbs
- Future generations have a good chance of living indefinitely
- KatKat: chocolate cookie for cats
- KidKat: the catsnack for kids
- Prince Philip asked us to get rid of his wife
- Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson

That Mitchell and Webb Look 4.4

That Mitchell and Webb Look
Series 4, Episode 4

- Cyrano de Bergerac says "oi Debbie"
- Cleaninol protects your children and is next to Godlinol
- Having People skills is just a minor disability
- Adrian is a guy from Southampton and is a fishmonger
- Fishmonger out of Watermonger
- False Jeopardy Productions
- Chapter 12: The Face-Off
- Sod Cancer
- Get Me Hennimore: selling fairies in August
- Whoopsie: World Homosexual Organisation of Peterborough, Stevenage, India and Eire
- The Quiz Broadcast: scratching only makes it worse
- They Got In!
- We have to kill James, who's got a new girlfriend on Facebook
- James Bachman 1972 - 2010: Tragically got put into a woodchipper for narrative reasons

zondag 16 september 2012

That Mitchell and Webb Look 4.3

That Mitchell and Webb Look Season 4, Episode 3
- Philip Phillips in a hot air balloon with a celebrity chef on Channel 5
- What do you reckon?
- You are accusing Claire of harrassment in the work place?
- Reports Mode
- Hello, welcome to the sketches
- The Konfederate Kampaigners Klub
- Have you tried killing all the poor
- British Emergency Broadcast Corporation: This time with an infected contestant
- A birthday pint in Iraq
- The Inibriaty...or The Da-Vince Booze people called the Knights Tippler

donderdag 13 september 2012

Little Britain 1.6

Little Britain Season 1, Episode 6 : "World's Smallest Ant"

- Britain was discovered by Henry Britain, sold a year later to Germany for a pfennig and the promise of a kiss
- That policeman is a twat
- Diminutive actor Dennis doesn't do that anymore
- Vicky Pollard is pregnant
- Olympic Silver Medalist Denver Mills speaks at the Annual Police Federation Dinner
- Cigarette smoking has become mandatory
- Andy & Lou buy Declan a card
- The TV man repairs a Scottish TV
- A psychiatrist has a special guest
- Andy wants to go to Helsinki
- Mr. Cleeves is collecting 5 pounds for a trip to the moon
- My name is Ralph Patterson and I'm the best actor in the world
- Anne has an egg and tuna sandwich
- Dame Sally Markham writes the bible
- Marketing strategies
- Lou and Andy go to Maria's funeral
- The local charity shop sells clothes that people died in
- Anne does strange things to guinea pigs
- Eddie Howard is a lady

donderdag 6 september 2012

Little Britain 1.5

Little Britain

Season 1, Episode 5 : " House of Cards "
- Vicky Pollard bites Jackie in the cantine
- People who want to buy pets go to a Pet Shop. People who want to buy a Pet Shop go to a Pet Shop Shop. If they want to buy a Pet Shop Shop they are just being silly.
- Andy wants a snake. All serpents have an aura of evil
- The snake called stumper
- Boyd Hilton, Smash Hits
- Greg Davis, Puzzler
- There is no rift in the government
- Fatfighters
- Edward Grant married one of his students
- Careers in the future
- Herby City Centre Library: Chinese History
- Kitty says the food is a bit dry
- The Royal Garden Party
- Buy a car booth at the Car Booth Sale
- Ceefax: the Musical
- Llandewi Breffi. David's profession is gay
- Have it on before you have it off
- Denver Mills Fatima replaces Whitbread
- Lou and Andy visit Maria in hospital
- Ivor used to go to the shop
- Des Kaye and the Bubble-Twins
- House of Cards: World Record Attempt

woensdag 5 september 2012

That Mitchell and Webb Look 4.2

That Mitchell and Webb Look
Season 4, Episode 2
- Neil Armstrong, the first singer-songwriter on the Moon.
- Remain Indoors: The quiz broadcast
- Star Trek ... the musical by Gilbert & Sullivan
- Didldidi bargains: Bolognade, it all goes down the same hole
- Daniel Darn Tooting in the Boondock feuds
- That Mitchell Cookie
- Dirty Harry... the musical by Gilbert & Sullivan
- Donny Cosy in Tokio, Japan
- A Prayer & A Pint
- Where is my jetpack?
- Let's have a drink to celebrate the merger
- Hail the Queen of Bongobongoland
- Which famous person sailed on the Beagle in 1831?

That Mitchell and Webb look 4.1

The Mitchell and Webb look

Season 4, Episode 1

- Late night dog poker
- www.dosh4gold.com
- The Gift Shop Sketch
- Remain Indoors: What is in the box?
- Merry Xmas Hennimore
- The unsexualised birthy of our lord Jesus Christ is a miracle
- www.cash4plutonium.com
- The massacre of Tianamen - sponsored by Lion Bars

That Mitchell and Webb Look 3.6

That Mitchell and Webb Look

Series 3, Episode 6

- The iBag, 10,000 songs in your head. Complete isolation. "What? Sorry, I'm in a bag"
- Hail Caesar!
- The effect of PWT4 on a amyloide protein from the affected brain tissue: a cure for Alzheimer
- Didldidi: bargains - Bacon Octopus Shapes with Glitter, butter-coloured sandwich dressing, Value Water...you can taste the savings
- Sign Language
- The last day before Christmas...the Hennimore way
- I don't know what you want anymore
- BBC Emergency Broadcasting: Stay Indoors
- You don't go around shooting people who mispronounce things, do you?

dinsdag 4 september 2012

That Mitchell and Webb Look 3.5

That Mitchell and Webb Look

Season 3, Episode5

- Barbieri invents the wooden mouse
- A b&b with a large collection of whiskey bottles
- God has a great idea for Abraham: Human Sacrifices
- Hennimore has a great Russian Party
- Staying at the B&B, on the house!
- Sunday afternoon chill out DVD
- A Beefeater being hosed down with cream
- The creative process of Numberwang
- From the people who brought you Glucozade Port and Peekers Kresps comes Mar-mite
- We have so much to tell each other and so little time

maandag 3 september 2012

That Michell and Webb Look 3.4

That Mitchell and Webb Look

Season 3, Episode 4

- the Nutritionists Partnership
- A new Earldom for that bit near Scotland, enter Lucentio
- New functionalities on my mobile phone: Subtext & Predictor-text
-  Detective Sergeant Alan Christmas - Bussmann & Christmas
- the HMS Lucentio
- How to turn your home into an International Airport
- Get Me Hennimore! Confusing "N"s and "M"s

Meed a Mane Nmenomic? You meed a manebadge!

So nake sure to nake that phome call to Nummery Numicipal Manebadges
we're a manebadge phemonemom!

- John Gibson & Andrew Turner - writers who try to show the positive side
- Getting a Shish Kebal rather than a Döner - less chance of getting ill
- Two is a crowd when meditating
- Lend me a pen
- Vectron be with you...but who is Vectron?

That Michell and Webb Look 3.3

- the Nutritionists Partnership